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Community Response Map

Community Response Map is currently used in various contexts where community feedback is collected, coded and mapped, serving as a tool to monitor projects, evaluate their progress and share their outcomes.

Current Projects


Register for Temporary Housing is funding short term housing for up to 100,000 people fleeing Ukraine. We support our refugee guests regardless of nationality, race, ethnicity, or how they identify. IOM works with Airbnb to book and coordinate stays for refugee guests. We can support accommodation in specific countries (Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Lithuania, Czech Republic).


Improving Two-way Communications in Ukraine
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is mobilizing teams and boosting capacity in Ukraine and neighboring countries to respond to the growing humanitarian needs of Ukrainians forced to flee the country, those internally displaced, and stranded third-country nationals.


Improving Two-way Communications in Ukraine
Community Response Map (CRM) is an online feedback platform that facilitates online tracking, compilation and visual mapping of communications received from targeted communities. This tool has been developed to improve community engagement and two-way communications.
IOM Environmental Inventory

Global Environmental Inventory

Mapping IOM's Environmental Footprint
The IOM Environmental Inventory is an annual process of collecting data from IOM facilities and operations on greenhouse gas emissions, water consumption and waste management. The goal of the inventory is to measure IOM’s global annual environmental footprint and to track the environmental performance against UN system-wide and science-based targets.
MIssing Migrants

Missing Migrants

Tracking migrant deaths & disappearances globally
Missing Migrants Project records since 2014 people who die in the process of migration towards an international destination, regardless of their legal status. As collecting information is challenging, all figures remain undercounts. The locations in most cases are approximate. Each number represents a person, as well as the family and community that they leave behind.
Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka

Safe Migration Campaign
We launched a targeted information campaign in Sri Lanka to increase awareness of the dangers of irregular migration and migrant smuggling in vulnerable communities as part of the Global Assistance to Irregular Migrants (GAIM) project.


The Itinerant Education and Information Programme Raising Awareness on Migration
It is a "mobile cinema" providing a set of outdoor events, organized in rural and urban areas, with screenings and debates. The aim is to ensure outreach and to carry out educational and information campaigns on various social issues in the most disadvantaged areas.

Virtual Return and Reintegration Counselling

Virtual Counselling project makes use of this tool, which provides visual analysis of the project’s impact through tracking, monitoring and analyzing the results of the virtual counselling sessions and feedbacks
WV somalia

World Vision Somalia

Enhancing Beneficiary Accountability System
Decades of conflict and recurring disaster makes Somalia one of the most fragile states around the world. With over 600,000 people in need of food security and livelihoods, World Vision is actively providing support through a variety of emergency and rehabilitative projects including food and cash assistance, health and nutrition, water and sanitation, education and protection and non-food items to meet the emergency needs of the affected communities…
Past Projects


Learn | Act | Share to Stop Exploitation
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) regional media campaign to encourage safe migration and public action to stop exploitation and human trafficking.
Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea

Common feedback platform
A 7.5 magnitude earthquake hit the Highland Regions of Papua New Guinea (PNG), a humanitarian response under the coordination umbrella of various UN agencies, NGOs, and volunteers have responded to the needs of an estimated 544,000 people affected by the earthquake.
West Africa

West Africa

Aware Migrants
Aware Migrants helps potential migrants in making informed decisions and engages West African communities in raising awareness on the dangers of the journey and in promoting positive alternatives to irregular migration at the local level in countries of origin.


Information, Communications and Accountability
A common feedback platform for the Philippines' Community of Practice on Community Engagement and its Rapid Information, Communications and Accountability Assessment (RICAA)


Access to Information during Displacement
Since January 2014, an estimated 3 million Iraqis have been displaced by the conflict between government and armed opposition groups in central, south and northern Iraq.


Two-Way Communication and Increased Accountability
Supports accountability to, and two-way communication between humanitarian responders and communities of Myanmar nationals currently living without official documentation in the Cox’s Bazar region of Bangladesh.
Meso America


Assistance to vulnerable migrants
The Mesoamerica Program engages communities across Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Mexico through virtual and social networks to facilitate two-way communications about migrants’ rights and reducing the risks of irregular migration.


Promoting informed migration decisions
Community Response Map Niger collected feedback from migrants in transit as part of the ‘Supporting Informed Migrations in Niger’ project.
Migrant Inclusion in COVID-19 Vaccination Campaigns

Migrant Inclusion in COVID-19 Vaccination Campaigns

Global Survey
This platform is created for IOM's global survey on Migrant Inclusion in COVID-19 Vaccination Campaigns, to be completed by designated staff in every IOM Country Office. All submissions will be reviewed by Regional Thematic Specialists (RTS) and the Migration Health Division in IOM Headquarters via a real-time reporting dashboard.


Improving Outreach Activities on AVRR in Germany
IOM Germany’s outreach project aims to support migrants living in Germany who are unable or unwilling to stay through the provision of accurate and up-to-date communication materials and information events on the topic of voluntary return. These materials and events ensure that migrants have the required information to make an informed decision about voluntary return, as well as access to platforms where they can find further information on the topic.…

Voluntary Returnees as Messengers

A campaign aims to raise awareness among potential migrants and local communities in Iraq and Afghanistan about the dangers of irregular migration routes and the realities that many irregular migrants face through peer-to-peer communications.


To support two-way communications with target populations, IOM Lesotho collects feedback to gauge the impact of its communications outreach and sensitization activities in current projects.
Migrants as Messengers

Migrants as Messengers

Informed decisions about migration
“Migrants as Messengers is a peer to peer awareness raising campaign that empowers young people in West Africa to make informed decisions about migration. The campaign is carried out directly by returnees who share honest accounts of their migration experiences with their communities and families. Authentic storytelling, peer-to-peer engagement, community activities, and dissemination through social media make these stories accessible to wider audiences.”


Enhancing Project Monitoring and Evaluation
Afghanistan is marked by unprecedented levels of conflict, displacement and return. IOM Afghanistan conducts regular monitoring to assess the effectiveness of assistance provideed in order to increase accountability in the field.
viewing holding on

Holding on

Exhibit Feedback
Holding On showcases the stories of internally displaced people (IDPs) by asking them to reflect on their most cherished possessions
Community Response Map

A state of the art feedback platform supporting aid and development projects.

Community Response Map (CRM) is a feedback platform which facilitates online tracking, compilation and visual mapping of communications received by target communities. This tool has been developed by IOM to enhance community engagement and two-way communications.


How It Works


Engage through communications and outreach


Get feedback from Community


Collate feedback from multiple sources


Feedback syncs to Community Response Map


Respond and Adapt based on community feedback


Sénégal : Ismaïla, de retour de Libye, tente de décourager les jeunes qui veulent partir illégalement (1/4)

Au début des années 2000, la côte sénégalaise était une terre de départ pour les migrants de la région désireux de rejoindre l’Europe, via les îles…

Call for Returnee Migrants to Join Forces to Fight Irregular Migration

COTONOU, Benin , Mar 21 2019 (IPS) - Elhadj Mohamed Diallo wants to make sure that others won’t experience what he has lived through. The former…
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